Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


The must read column during the Blago trial remains John Kass' column.

Another gem this morning about the first day of cross-examination. Turns out, there was a very good reason Blago didn't testify in that first trial.

Here's the way Kass put it...

Federal prosecutors don't usually get much practice at cross-examining defendants in political corruption cases because defendant politicians are usually too smart to take the witness stand. Blagojevich, already a convicted liar, had no choice but to roll the dice.

When the jurors filed out, Rod didn't even try to make eye contact.

His wife, Patti, stood up, anxious, smoothing her skirt with nervous hands, reaching for him like some heartbroken Little League mom whose third-grader had just struck out with the bases loaded as the team lost the big game.

Doesn't that paint a picture? Kass is a gifted writer.

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